Accepted/Published (underline: lab students, *: corresponding author)
- Wan, S., Mu, H.*, Han, K.*, Cheong, T., & Xie, C. (2025+). “A Fuzzy Track-to-Track Association Algorithm with Dynamic Time Warping for Trajectory-Level Vehicle Detection”, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (Scopus), accepted for publication
- Zhou, Q., Adeepa Fernando, K. N. A., Dai, X., Liu, J., Li, W.-T., Lee, H. T., Cheong, T., & Yuen, C.* (2025). “Very Short-Term Chiller Energy Consumption Prediction Based on Simplified Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network”, Energy and Buildings (SCIE), Vol. 329, 115249
- Park, Y., Zu, S., Xie, Ch., Lee, H.*, Cheong, T. *, Lu, Q.-C. & Xu, M. (2024). “Smart Battery Swapping Control for an Electric Motorcycle Fleet With Peak Time Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCIE), Vol. 25(12), pp. 20175-20189.
- Lee, C., Park, S., Cheong, T. * (2024). “Dynamic-Persistent CSMA: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Multi-User Channel Access”, IEEE Access (SCIE), Vol. 12, pp. 178705-178716; doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3506972.
- Kim, H., Cha, H.* & Cheong, T. * (2024). “Analyzing economic effect on mRNA vaccine inventory management with redistribution policy”, Scientific Reports (SCIE), Vol. 14, 20425.
- Wang, X. Chen, X.*, Xie, C. & Cheong, T. (2024). ” Coordinative dispatching of shared and public transportation under passenger flow outburst”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCIE/SSCI), Vol. 189, 103655; doi://10.1016/j.tre.2024.103655.
- Cha, H., Lee, C., Lu, Q.-C., Xie, C., Eun, J.,* & Cheong, T. * (2024). “An Exact A∗-based Tree Search Algorithm For TSP with Sequence-and-Load Dependent Risk”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCIE), Vol. 25(9), pp. 10817-10834.
- Xu, P.-C. , Lu, Q.-C.*, Xie, C. & Cheong, T.(2024) “Modeling the resilience of interdependent networks: The role of function dependency in metro and bus systems,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCIE/SSCI), Vol. 179, 103907; doi:10.1016/j.tra.2023.103907
- Kim, C. K., Lee, C., Kim, D., Cha, H.*, & Cheong, T.* (2023) “Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency: A Two-Stage Model for Evaluating Multiple Sourcing and Extra Procurement Strategy Optimization,” Sustainability (SSCI), Vol. 15(22), 16122; doi: 10.3390/su152216122
- Kang, S. and Cheong, T. * (2023) “Optimizing Ambulance Allocation in Dynamic Urban Environments: A Historic Data-Driven Approach,” Applied Sciences (SCIE), Vol. 13(21), 11671; doi:10.3390/app132111671.
- Cha,H., Kim, D., Eun. J. *, Cheong, T. * (2023) “Collaborative Traveling Salesman Problem with Ground Vehicle as a Charger for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, Transportation Letters (SCIE/SSCI), Vol. 15(7), pp.707-721; doi:10.1080/19427867.2022.2082006
- Chun, J.Y., Kim, H.-J., Hur, J.-W., Jung, D., Lee, H.-J., Lee, S., Kim, G.J., Cho, C.-Y., Choi, S., Lee, S.-M., Cheong, T. *, Cho, C.-H.* (2022) “Prediction of specific anxiety symptoms and VR sickness based on in-situ autonomic physiological signals during VR treatment in patients with social anxiety disorder: mixed-methods study,” JMIR Serious Games (SCIE), 10(3):e38284;doi://10.2196/38284
- Lee, Y., Cheong, T. * (2022) “Service level constrained distribution-free newsvendor problem with balking penalty,” Mathematics (SCIE), Vol. 10, 2487; doi://10.3390/ math10142487
- Lee, M., Hong, J., Cheong, T. *, Lee, H. (2022). “Flexible Delivery Routing for Elastic Logistics: a Model and an Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCIE), Vol. 23(7), pp. 6864 – 6882; doi:10.1109/TITS.2021.3063195
- Yea, M., Kim, D.*, Cheong, T. *, Moon, J., Kang, S. (2022). “Baking and slicing the pie: An application to the airline alliance’s profit-sharing based on cooperative game theory,” Journal of Air Transport Management (SSCI), Vol. 102, 102219; doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2022.102219
- Kim, E., Han, K. S., Cheong, T., Lee, S. W., Eun, J. *, Kim, S. J.* (2022). “Analysis on Benefits and Costs of Machine Learning-Based Early Hospitalization Prediction”, IEEE Access (SCIE), Vol. 10, pp.32479 – 32493; doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3160742
- Zhang, X. , Son, Y. , Cheong, T. , S. Choi* (2022). “Affine-arithmetic-based microgrid interval optimization considering uncertainty and battery energy storage system degradation”, Energy (SCIE), Vol. 242, 123015; doi:10.1016/
- Yuh, J., Eun. J. *, Cheong, T. * (2021). “Integer Programming Approach and Application of Reformulation-Linearization Technique to Liver Exchange Problem,” Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), Vol. 185, 115599; doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115599
- Yoo, S. H., Cheong, T. * (2021) “Inventory Model for Sustainable Operations of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain: Role of a Third-Party Refurbisher,” Journal of Cleaner Production (SCIE),Vol. 315, 127810; doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127810
- Seo, D.-W., Chang, K., Cheong, T. *, Baek, J.-G. (2021). “A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Distribution-free Capacity Allocation for Sea Cargo Revenue Management”, Information Sciences (SCIE), Vol. 571, pp. 623-648; doi:10.1016/j.ins.2021.04.092
- Jeon, A., Kang, J., Kim, N., Choi, B., Eun. J. *, Cheong, T. * (2021) “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Last-Mile Delivery Considering Backhauls,” IEEE Access (SCIE), Vol. 9, pp. 85017-85033; doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3087751
- Chung, S., Park. Y. W. *, Cheong, T. (2020). “A mathematical programming approach for integrated multiple linear regression subset selection and validation,” Pattern Recognition (SCIE), Vol. 108, 107565; doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107565
- Lee, S., Kim, Y., Kahng, H., Lee, S.-K., Chung, S., Cheong, T., Shin, K., Park, J., Kim, S.B.* (2020). “Intelligent traffic control for autonomous vehicle systems based on machine learning,” Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), Vol. 144, 113074; doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2019.113074
- Moon, J.,Kim, Y.J., Cheong, T. * , Song, S. H.* (2020). “Locating Battery Swapping Stations for a Smart e-Bus System,” Sustainability (SSCI), Vol. 12(3), 1142; doi:10.3390/su12031142.
- Lee, S.-K., Kim, Y. J., Cheong, T. *, Yoo, S. H.* (2019) “Effects of yield and lead-time uncertainty on retailer-managed and vendor-managed inventory management,” IEEE Access (SCIE), Vol. 7, pp. 176051-176064; doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2957595
- Hong, J.S., Lee, M.Y., Cheong, T. *, Lee. H.C. (2019) “Routing for an On-demand Logistics Service,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (SCIE), Vol. 103, pp. 328-351; doi:10.1016/j.trc.2018.12.010.
- Lee, S., Kahng, H.-G., Cheong, T. *, Kim, S.B. (2019) “Iterative Two-Stage Hybrid Algorithm for the Vehicle Lifter Location Problem in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems (SCIE), Vol. 51, pp. 106-119; doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2019.02.003.
- Song, S. H. and Cheong, T. * (2018) “Pattern-based set partitioning algorithm for integrated sustainable operation of a district heating network,” Sustainability (SSCI), Vol. 10(8), 2774; doi:10.3390/su10082774.
- Lee, H., Chung, S., Cheong, T. * and Song, S. H.* (2018) “Accounting for fairness in a two-stage stochastic programming model for kidney exchange programs,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI), Vol. 15(7), 1491;doi:10.3390/ijerph15071491.
- Yea, M., Chung, S., Cheong, T. * and Kim, D.* (2018) “The Sharing of Benefits from a Logistics Alliance Based on a Hub-Spoke Network: A Cooperative Game Theoretic Approach,” Sustainability (SSCI), Vol. 10(6), 1855; doi:10.3390/su10061855.
- Yoo, S. H. and Cheong, T. * (2018) “Quality Improvement Incentive Strategies in a Supply Chain,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCIE/SSCI), Vol. 114, pp. 331-342, doi:10.1016/j.tre.2018.01.005.
- Lee, Y., Song, S. H.* and Cheong, T. * (2018) “The Value of Supply Chain Coordination under Moral Hazard: A Case Study of the Consumer Product Supply Chain,” PLoS ONE (SCIE), Vol. 13(3): e0194043. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0194043
- Yuh, J., Chung, S., and Cheong, T. * (2017) “Reformulation-Linearization Technique Approach for Kidney Exchange Program IT Healthcare Platforms,” Applied Sciences (SCIE), Vol. 7(8), 847; doi:10.3390/app7080847.
- Yu, D. Z.*, Cheong, T. and Sun, D. (2017) “Impact of Supply Chain Power and Drop-Shipping on a Manufacturer’s Optimal Distribution Channel Strategy,” European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol. 259(2), pp. 554-563, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.11.025.
- Lee, S.-K., Yoo, S. H.* and Cheong, T. * (2017) “Sustainable EOQ Under Lead-time Uncertainty and Multi-modal Transport,” Sustainability (SSCI), Vol. 9(3), 476; doi:10.3390/su9030476.
- Kim, G., Ong, Y.-S., Cheong, T.*, and Tan, P. S. (2016) “Solving the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem under Traffic Congestion,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCI), Vol. 17(8), pp. 2367-2380, doi:10.1109/TITS.2016.2521779.
- Cheong, T., Song, S. H.* and Hu, C. (2016) “Strategic Alliance with Competitors in the Electric Vehicle Market: Tesla Motor’s Case,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCIE), Vol. 2016, Article ID 7210767, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2016/7210767.
- Yang, W., Cheong, T., and Song, S. H.* (2015) “A Multiperiod Vehicle Lease Planning for Urban Freight Consolidation Network,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCIE), Vol. 2015, Article ID 921482, 15 pages, doi:10.1155/2015/921482.
- Cheong, T., Goh, M., and Song, S. H.* (2015) “Effect of Inventory Information Discrepancy in a Drop-shipping Supply Chain,” Decision Sciences (SSCI), Vol. 46(1), pp. 193-213.
- Kwon, K., and Cheong, T.* (2014) “A Minimax Distribution-free Procedure for a Newsvendor Problem with Free Shipping,” European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol. 232(1), pp. 234-240.
- Cheong, T., and Song, S. H.* (2013) “The Value of Information on Supply Risk under Random Yields,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCIE/SSCI), Vol. 60, pp. 27-38.
- Cheong, T.*, and Grant, J. (2013) “A Preliminary Mathematical Analysis for Understanding Transmission Dynamics of Nosocomial Infections in a NICU,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (SCIE), Vol. 20(3-4), pp. 241-251.
- Cheong, T.*, and White, C. C. (2013) “Inventory Replenishment Control Under Supply Uncertainty,” Annals of Operations Research (SCI), Vol. 208(1), pp. 581-592.
- Cheong, T.* (2013) “Joint Inventory and Transshipment Control for Perishable Products of a Two-period Lifetime,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCIE), Vol. 66(9), pp. 1327-1341.
- Cheong, T.*, and White, C. C. (2012) “Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem: Value of Real-time Traffic Information,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCI), Vol. 13(2), pp. 619-630.
- Hong, S.*, Lim, W. Y., Cheong, T., and Mary, G. (2012) “Fault Detection and Classification in Plasma Etch Equipment for Semiconductor Manufacturing e-Diagnostics,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (SCI), Vol. 25(1), pp. 83-93.
- White, C. C., and Cheong, T.* (2012) “In-transit Perishable Product Inspection,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCIE/SSCI), Vol. 48(1), pp. 310-330.
- Cheong, T.*, and Kim, M. (2006) “Mobile Phone + RFID Technology = New Mobile Convergence Toward Ubiquitous Computing Environment,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCIE), Vol. 4278, pp. 1325 – 1336.
- Cheong, T.*, and Kim, Y. I. (2005) “RFID Data Management and RFID Information Value Chain Support with RFID Middleware Platform Implementation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCIE), Vol. 3760, pp. 557-575.